
 connotation and  denotations i can see a younge boy looking a bit sad and mad in this photo saying dig toilets and not graves . this can mean that their are any toilets available for them or they arnt as rich or wealthy to afford to build one . this comunicates to the audiance by telling them that they are having  a hard time without toilets. the audiance might feel sad for them and stat a donation stanxd
Design Elements: What colors, fonts, and images are used in the poster? How do these choices set the tone of the movie? they have used a very scary font makes the whole poster look very scary and in the color red making it look like blood Layout: How are the main characters or objects arranged in the poster? What effect does this have on the viewer? main character are 3 people who look very very scared to go in inside that house Symbolism: Are there any symbols or visual motifs in the poster? What do they represent? thier are i can see like smoky ashes coming out the window saying that can make it very spooky and creepy Tagline: What is the tagline or slogan? How does it contribute to the overall message or theme of the movie? you only get one chance to live and they can eat the children Framing and Composition: What do the positioning of characters and objects in the frame tell you about their roles or importance in the story? there backing out knowing if they go on and notcome out ba